
Sunday, 30 June 2013

holiday catch-up

This holiday has pretty much turned out to be like most holidays. I find myself making endless lists of everything I plan on doing and somehow find myself watching the days go by with nothing to show for it - well I guess this time it's due to my internship at seventeen which deserves an entire blog post dedicated to it which will definitely appear next week :D.

I had so many goals for this holiday including look posts, a town day with Roxy from the Transform8ion Stat8ion and so much more. Although it's time I get a bit more realistic with my endless list of plans I rediscovered a passion of mine which deserves a mention.


I just love it. New or old books and the stories they hold. I've always loved reading and I remember in grade 4 how our teacher gave us a list which we had to fill with the names of the books we read. We were so competitive and often our lists had about 8 - 10 books each week just so that we could be the "winner" and also because a passion had begun to brew within our souls.

I'm not sure if any of you have read the Sweet Valley books but I absolutely loved them ! I reached a point where I had read everyone of the books from 3 or 4 different libraries and from every second hand book store I could find. After I thought I would never find the missing books to this endless series, when I got to high school I made friends with a girl named Miriam who had the same obsession with these books and we'd swap books with one another that we ourselves had not read in turn borrowing a book to the other.

It's crazy how our passions just seem to fall into a slump when we no longer feed it but somewhere through out high school I just stopped reading. Yes, I read the Harry Potter and Twilight series but I just did not have that same craving for a good book. Until recently.

These are the 3 books I am currently reading (yes - all 3 at the same time) and I can say I definitely love each and every one of them.

1. The Honest Life - Jessica Alba

 I can't say that I wasn't slightly influenced to get this book because Jessica Alba wrote it but once I started reading it I really began to love it. It's almost a "self-help"-ish book that really focuses on how oblivious we are to harm and toxicity of everyday products we use and how easily we are fooled by what companies tell us instead of knowing the truth. I especially love the up-close-and-personal images of this perfect family and her easy style of writing. I got this book off and received it about 2 weeks early than the suggested date which was amazing

2. Lies Young Women Believe - Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Dannah Cresh

I'm really embarrassed to say that I received this books for my 18th birthday last year from my friends Robin and Roxy. I can however say that it's a must read for any young (or old) Christian woman. It teaches us about how easily we fall for lies and how these lies consume us. I also loves how it takes so many of these lies and breaks it down using Bible verses leaving you knowing that there definitely is a God watching down over you. I definitely recommend this book as a gift for any girl in your life and can promise that they will be inspired and empowered by it.

3. Committed - Elizabeth Gilbert

Although I've barely started with this book (I am only on page 13 now) I know that if it's anything like "Eat Pray Love" I am going to love it. I found this book in our study nestled among my mommy's collection of books and knew that I had to give it a read. It satisfies the part of my soul that loves a good story and seeing as I am quite soppy and romantic I think it's going to be a great read

I'll be spending the rest of my week finishing my internship and my article (YES - I actually get a 3 page article published in Seventeen magazine so keep your eyes peeled for the October issue) and I am also thinking of starting some DIY's because I absolutely love them!

feel free to leave any comments and names of blogs you think I should check out and follow me on Bloglovin by clicking the little (or HUGE) icon on the side that looks like an Eiffel Tower

and best news of the year: I got my license on saturday :D !

new blog find : Christ Alive in Me



  1. I love your selection of books! Keep reading! It is a beautiful passion that you have :)

  2. I also love reading and loved the Sweet Valley books in high school! I was even addicted to the show. Normally I read 2 -3 books at once as well. Haven't read any that you're reading now.

    O so inspired

  3. thanks so much , I really love it. And I didn't even know that there was a sweet valley show ? x
