
Sunday 10 March 2013

DIY kinda girl

I think this heading really describes the creative side to me. The side who wants to try and make things my own. Make them pretty and add "Zina" touches.

When I was in high school I was BEYOND OCD about my work books. I would write my notes in my book and if the heading didn't look right, colours on the page just didn't match or my handwriting was atrocious you can be sure those pages went straight into the bin leaving me with a bunch of book covers with like 10 pages left and no notes.

Seeing as this is not something I can continue with into varsity due to the excessive work loads and the fact that I don't have a teacher or peers who really cares about how my books look I've had to resort to some other outlet to my creative side.

I've gone through the whole "edit my photos" vibe and thank goodness I've moved into a phase where I try to make my photos look as if I've done as little as possible instead of trying every single effect I can find. I really want to plant my own vegetable garden, learn how to sew and eventually design and make some of my own clothes. But until then I decided to do something a little easier and more straight forward : decorate my notice board.

Everyone says that your room reflects your personality and if that were true , there's no other way of describing me as cream and black. Last year my parents bought me a nice and big notice board after a year of nagging and up until today I never took the effort into decorating it. But the big question is : Is a notice board supposed to be for all your due dates or just something to look pretty ?

I think it depends on your personality and the awesome thing is you can actually do what ever you want.

My best friend kayla has a really cool photo vibe to her notice board and she's had such boards ever since I met her. She loves taking photos and she's very social and this plays out in her notice board (check out her blog here under the same sun )

Robin's calendar
Robin's notice board
My friend Robin on the other hand decided to do something more practical that will keep her up to date with all of varsity's heavy work load and managing to squeeze in some time for herself. She made 2 : the first she pasted pics on and then covered in contact so she could write on it and pin other things to it and the second she designed a calendar on the computer printed it A3 ( I think), had it laminated and just fills in the dates according to the days depending on the month that it is.

I'm not really much of a photo person so here's what I did :

1. I went through all the pictures on my phone and onto the website we heart it (they have the best pictures) and chose some. Choosing what will go on your board is very important. I wanted a soft and girly feel so I chose mostly pink, black, white and cream images.

2. Once you've selected your pictures print them and then cut them out.

3. Cover each picture with contact to protect it.

4. Paste them either directly on your board or paste them on pretty picture and then onto the board.

Kayla's photography  notice board

close up
Only half of my board is done so far

1 comment:

  1. looks good (: u should get the colour invite and use some of those pics , they stunning
